Now you now know the direction you want to go (if not, read about Step 1 here). But why go through all the effort? We are hardwired to seek out comfort and avoid pain — it’s what kept our species alive for so long. Instant gratification wins out if we aren’t connected to the end goal. This is actually why “bad” habits are easier to form than “good’ ones. Habits that go against your health tend to provide an immediate result (i.e. comfort foods, skipping the gym to watch TV).

Good habits usually have some up-front discomfort in order to reap the benefits later. Since discomfort is part of the process, having a clear definition of WHY for yourself helps provide the shot of motivation you’ll need to keep going.
Ask yourself:
- What do you want out of your life?
- How do you want to feel for the rest of your life?
- What difference will making these changes mean for your life?
- What is holding you back?
This may take a few days to truly figure this out. Be specific but keep it simple — we aren’t looking for some profound insight. What you need is something deeply personal and motivating to you. It may be being able to play with your grandkids or walk down the aisle at their wedding.

It may be having the health to travel or setting a good example for your family. Once you figure out your WHY, write it down and put it on your bathroom mirror. Read it every day (or multiple times per day!) to keep you focused.
I leave you with this quote:
“Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will become easy.” – Les Brown
You have the power to make these health changes stick and dramatically improve your health. Next comes embodying this new identity.